Strategy Mapping

Strategy Mapping is the visual representation of an organisation’s plans to turn its resources and assets including intangibles (such as knowledge and culture), into tangible outcomes, linked to organisational objectives.

Strategy maps provide a detailed picture of an organisations objectives and the relationships between them. They are used to help organisations manage corporate strategy and realise objectives through improvements in specific areas such as customer retention or faster cycle times. The concept of strategy mapping was developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton as part of their work on the balanced scorecard.

Strategy maps are an important element of 3G and 4G balanced scorecards and are used as a stepping stone to linking performance and value in 4th generation balanced scorecards (3G/4G Balanced Scorecards), designed by Allan Rodrigues of The Business Binnacle.

A typical example of a strategy map obtained from the original by Kaplan Norton on the website of the ‘Balanced ScoreCard Institute’ is reproduced below with some minor adaptions, to better illustrate the principles underlying strategy mapping:

Balanced scorecard - strategy map example

You can contact Allan Rodrigues of The Business Binnacle at [no spam]
